My name is Xinyi Yu. I am a first-year PhD student in Computer Science at Univeristy of Southern California (USC), supervised by Prof. Lars Lindemann. I received the M.S. degree in Control Science and Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong Univeristy (SJTU), co-supervised by Prof. Shaoyuan Li and Prof. Xiang Yin in 2023, and the B.S. degree in Department of Automation from China University of Petroleum, East China (UPC) in 2020.

Email: xinyi.yu12@usc.edu
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My general research interests are systems and control theory, with a particular interest in applying rigorous mathematics to engineered cyber-physical systems. I also enjoy studying the general area of theoretical computer science. In particular, my research interests include but not limited to formal methods, optimal control, planning, verification and machine learning.

Publications (* indicates equal contribution)


[1]. Chuwei Wang, Xinyi Yu, Jianing Zhao, Lars Lindemann and Xiang Yin. “Sleep When Everything Looks Fine: Self-Triggered Monitoring for Signal Temporal Logic Tasks.” submitted. [PDF] [Codes]
[2]. Xinyi Yu, Yiqi Zhao, Xiang Yin and Lars Lindemann. “Signal Temporal Logic Control Synthesis among Uncontrollable Dynamic Agents with Conformal Prediction.” submitted. [PDF] [Codes]
[3]. Yiqi Zhao*, Xinyi Yu*, Jyotirmoy V. Deshmukh and Lars Lindemann. “Conformal Predictive Programming for Chance Constrained Optimization.” submitted. [PDF] [Codes]

Jounal Papers

[J1]. Xinyi Yu, Weijie Dong, Shaoyuan Li and Xiang Yin. “Model Predictive Monitoring of Dynamic Systems for Signal Temporal Logic Specifications.” Automatica, 160:111445, 2024. (Regular Paper) [PDF] [Codes]
[J2]. Dingran Yuan, Xinyi Yu, Shaoyuan Li and Xiang Yin. “Safe-by-Construction Autonomous Vehicle Overtaking using Control Barrier Functions and Model Predictive Control.” International Journal of Systems Science, 55(7): 1283–1303, 2024. [PDF]
[J3]. Xinyi Yu, Xiang Yin, Shaoyuan Li and Zhaojian Li. “Security-Preserving Multi-Agent Coordination for Complex Temporal Logic Tasks.” Control Engineering Practice, 123:105130, 2022. [PDF] [Codes] [Video]

Conference Papers

[C1]. Xinyi Yu, Xiang Yin and Lars Lindemann. “Efficient STL Control Synthesis under Asynchronous Temporal Robustness Constraints.” in 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 6841-6848, 2023. [PDF] [Codes] [Talk]
[C2]. Xinyi Yu, Chuwei Wang, Dingran Yuan, Shaoyuan Li and Xiang Yin. “Model Predictive Control for Signal Temporal Logic Specifications with Time Interval Decomposition.” in 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 7843-7849, 2023. [PDF] [Codes] [Talk]
[C3]. Xinyi Yu, Weijie Dong, Xiang Yin and Shaoyuan Li. “Online Monitoring of Dynamic Systems for Signal Temporal Logic Specifications with Model Information.” in 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 4839-4845, 2022. [PDF] [Talk]